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Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

A Guide to Home Emergency Generators

Power outages can strike at any time, leaving you in the dark and without essential appliances. Whether it’s due to extreme weather, maintenance issues, or unforeseen events, being prepared with a home emergency generator is always a smart move. But what exactly is a home emergency generator, and which type should I choose? That’s what […]

Understanding The Causes Of Generators Losing Power

Generators are widely known as being one of the most reliable and handy pieces of equipment that you can purchase. They help power much-needed appliances during difficult times such as power outages in your area but like anything sometimes they may experience some technical difficulties which can span from several reasons. The best way to […]

Are Diesel Generators Good For Home Use?

Diesel generators are undoubtedly one of the most flexible & reliable generators that you can find when searching to purchase a generator. Not only can you use diesel generators for home use, but you will also find many commercial properties in many different sectors using diesel generators for well-needed power in moments such as potential […]

Which Oils Are Compatible For Different Generators

Oil is a vital part of your generator running smoothly and effectively. The internal combustion that occurs inside your generator requires oil to use as a lubricant for your engine’s components to stop any potential friction. The problem that most people have is that they’ve purchased a new generator but it’s started to flash up […]

Powering A House With A Generator

Throughout our lives, we have all experienced an unwanted power outage inside our homes which leads to a need for an emergency power supply. With power outages, there is always a risk of injury due to a lack of vision from the darkness. You could be without heating and without any power inside your house, […]

What Size Generator Should I Buy?

Power outages can be inconvenient at best and disastrous at worst. Whether you live in an area prone to storms, face occasional power grid issues, or just want to ensure a continuous power supply for your home or business, investing in a power generator is a smart decision. However, choosing the right size generator is […]

What Is Included in A Generator Repair Service?

To get the most out of your generator you are going to be regularly doing maintenance on it to make sure everything is working at full capacity. Generators play a massive role in reducing the risk of appliances going down in the unfortunate event of a power outage whether that would be in an office […]

A Brief Guide To Inverter Generators

Inverter generators have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their adaptability and reliability as a power source. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, in need of backup power during outages, or require a stable power source for electronics, these generators offer a versatile option. In this blog post, we will explore the world of inverter […]

How to Repair a Generator: 5 Steps

how to repair a generator 5 steps

One of the most sensible investments that you can make is purchasing a generator, whether it be to power work projects you are doing, help you run appliances during a sudden power outage or more. While power generators are highly reliable pieces of equipment, like any devices, they are prone to failure – meaning that […]

How To Generate Electricity From Home

how to repair a generator 5 steps

There are plenty of reasons why homeowners may want to generate their own electricity from home, and now in the modern age, there are a lot of brilliant resources that you can access to do so! Generating electricity from home can save you hundreds of pounds in energy bills and could prove extremely beneficial, especially […]