Pleavin Power Limited | 24/7 Nationwide Generator Specialists

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0151 832 5007

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(0)800 689 4803
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Customer Enquiry 0151 832 5007

Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

How To Prepare For Winter Power Outages In The UK This Winter

How To Prepare For Winter Power Outages In The UK This Winter

If you have read Sky News recently, you may have come across an article stating that up to six million homes could face winter power outages, this is due to Russia cutting off supplies to Europe. That means there may be a limit to the industrial use of gas, which could show electricity being rationed […]

This Week at Pleavin Power

Emergency Callouts Extremely busy period for our Emergency division at the moment: hires, ongoing support and repairs, all happening around the clock to keep our clients online. Wolverhampton Call-Out Our team responded to a John Deere failure in a critical application on Sunday morning. We assessed the failure and deployed emergency temporary power to ensure […]

Which Brand Of Generator Is Best For Purchase?

Which Brand Of Generator Is Best For Purchase

Whether you are heading to a family camping or planning ahead in case of the need for an emergency power supply. A generator is an amazing piece of equipment that gives you power when you desire it. That’s why there has been rising popularity in homeowners purchasing portable generators and businesses having standby generators so […]

Tips For Repairing A Generator For Your Home

Tips For Repairing A Generator For Your Home

If you’ve got a portable generator and plan on using it for your home’s power in case of an emergency, for an office that holds staff and a good amount of electricity or even on a family camping trip. A portable generator is known for being a strong, reliable piece of equipment so the last […]

Using A Generator In A Power Cut

Using A Generator In A Power Cut

In recent years, more people are opting to invest in power generators. Whether they are investing in a generator for household use or from a company perspective, power generators are great for eliminating testing times such as a power cut. Not only can it be damaging to morale when there is a potential power outage […]

Things You Should Consider When Hiring A Generator

Things You Should Consider When Hiring A Generator

If you’re planning an event such as an outdoor event, there’s a high chance that you are going to require a generator but it makes no sense in purchasing a power generator that you are going to use on a one-off. That’s why it’s best to hire a generator but there are a lot of […]

Does A Portable Generator Operate The Same As A Standby?

Does A Portable Generator Operate The Same As A Standby?

What’s truly the difference between a portable generator and a standby generator? They both perform the same functions, they help provide electricity to your home or office when the power goes down but they both differ depending on what suits your need best. To understand the difference between a portable generator and a standby generator, […]

What You Need To Consider When Buying A Generator

What You Need To Consider When Buying A Generator

There are a variety of reasons why you may want to purchase a generator. For example, if you’re looking to run a job site, you may need an emergency power supply in case the main power source runs out or you are looking to use it recreationally. There’s a variety of reasons you may need […]

New Pleavin Power Home

This year, we have made the biggest leap in the business’s history. Relocating to a new building hasn’t been easy while it’s been in play since August 2021. This new space elevates us to new heights adding capacity, capability and all-around solid foundation for our continued growth. After officially getting the keys two weeks ago, […]

Last Week at Pleavin Power

Critical Power for Hire Most of our generators for hire are currently hired, providing power across the country. Last weekend, 350 kVA Critical power package was delivered ahead of install for an NHS client. The following day our team completed installs and tests, making sure equipment is ready for the short term hire. Last week, we […]