Pleavin Power Limited | 24/7 Nationwide Generator Specialists

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Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

Reasons Why People Use A Generator

Reasons Why People Use A Generator

Many more people are starting to invest in generators to have on hand for when crisis strikes – and this is no shock as generators are extremely reliable pieces of equipment that can get you through testing times. Generators are not only used during times of crisis such as extreme weather conditions that have caused […]

What Is A Standby Generator

What Is A Standby Generator

In recent years, more people are opting to invest in power generators. Whether they are investing in a generator for household use or from a company perspective, power generators are great for eliminating testing times such as a power cut. Not only can it be damaging to morale when there is a potential power outage […]

Can Biodiesel Be Used In Generators?

As a result of more people becoming environmentally friendly through the realisation of their actions having negative connotations to the world – this has resulted in green energy growing exponentially. As a result, people are starting to ponder about using biodiesel as an alternative for their generators. With this in mind, there are things that […]

How To Hire A Large Generator

How To Hire A Large Generator

Are you looking to hire a large generator for a certain period of time? There may be many reasons one may need a large generator whether they need to power an event, workspace or facility. If your objective is to find a reliable power source temporarily, then hiring a generator is the best and most […]

Signs Your Generator Needs To Be Repaired

Signs Your Generator Needs To Be Repaired

Your generator is something that you need to be able to rely on during difficult situations such as an emergency blackout in your area or scheduled maintenance that could affect power. Many households need the power to get through their everyday life, as power going down could cost them dearly – for example, freezers stopping […]

Why Diesel Generators Need Regular Maintenance

Why Diesel Generators Need Regular Maintenance

There has been a significant rise in people purchasing diesel generators over the last couple of years and it is no surprise. Diesel generators are extremely handy pieces of equipment, they’re a great option in the event of a sudden power outage – making an ideal power source. If you are in an area that […]

Things To Look For When Buying A Generator

Things To Look For When Buying A Generator

More people are in the market for generators, with their popularity rising over the last years due to many areas becoming higher risks for potential power outages. It can be hard to know exactly what you are looking for though when buying a generator, especially if you’ve had no experience buying one as there are […]

Calculating Your Generator Output

Calculating Your Generator Output

If you are currently looking to purchase a generator, it can seem like there are many things you need to take into consideration to find the ideal generator for your current situation & budget and one of the main things you will need to calculate your generator output. This is important as you will know […]

How Long Should Your Generators Run For

How Long Should Your Generators Run For

There has been a growing rise in homeowners and businesses hiring or outright purchasing generators. The reason for this is they are extremely reliable and the perfect equipment to have on hand when there is a power cut either in the local area or just your property, generators can help power appliances so that life […]

Can A Generator Power My House

Can A Generator Power My House

There are two main uses widely known when it comes to generator use and that’s either for people looking to power their appliances during a power outage with backup electricity or they are most commonly used for activities & events such as family camping trips, outdoor weddings and many more. But one of the most […]