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Calculating Your Generator Output

If you are currently looking to purchase a generator, it can seem like there are many things you need to take into consideration to find the ideal generator for your current situation & budget and one of the main things you will need to calculate your generator output.

This is important as you will know what size of generator you will need to purchase. Doing this can save you money, time and any stress that you could face by purchasing the wrong generator.

Getting a generator that is too small you won’t be able to power the needed appliances and if you accidentally get one that is too big you are wasting money.

So it’s key that we get it right, the problem is that if you’ve had no experience with generators it can be very confusing to calculate your generator output.

The expert team here at Pleavin Power have put together this article today on how to successfully calculate your generator output so that you can the right generator that will be able to power your appliances for whatever you need it for whether that’d be a blackout, camping trip or many more!


What Generator Is Best For My Situation?

Before you start calculating size output. Make sure that you are looking at the right generators, what we mean by that is – if you are looking for a generator that you can use to power a few appliances during a blackout in your home while you wait for the power to come back then you should be looking at the portable generator that is small and easy to use. These types of units start from 2kW to 2000 watts depending on what models you are looking at.

Whereas if you are looking for something that can power whole households and office blocks then you are best looking at standby generators.

These types of generators go all the way to 3MW which means it’s capable of powering full buildings with ease plus they are super convenient as they can detect power failures and start as soon as there is a power outage meaning you can go on about your everyday life with no problems.


How To Easily Calculate Your Generators Output

To sum it down as easily as possible, this is the most common way you can size your generator:

  1. Write down all appliances that you will need to power.
  2. Find the starting wattage (the energy needed to turn it on) and its running wattage (the energy needed while it is running) for each appliance. You can usually find this information by looking at the appliances. If not, you can find the information either online or in the manual that came with the appliance.
  3. Calculate the total power needed by adding up the kW or KVA figures that are shown.

Once you have done this, you will know the estimated wattage needed and then you can purchase your generator based on the size that is required to power what you need.

It is highly recommended that you get a generator that is at least 10-15% larger than what you need, just to be on the safe side. This means you aren’t as well purchasing a generator that is too big.


Why Is It Important That You Purchase The Right Generator Size

One of the main problems that we come across when finding people complaining about their generators is that they tried to purchase a smaller generator to save money instead of investing in a larger generator.

Generators are super reliable pieces of equipment that can help you through difficult times when needed so if you purchase a generator that can’t run your equipment due to its size because you are‘ saving money’ in reality you could end up losing money and most importantly time by not having the correct generator.

Here are some benefits that you will find when you successfully calculate the output needed for your generator.


Less Wear And Tear

If you purchase a generator that can’t keep up with the power that you require. It will start to put a lot of unneeded stress on your generator causing it to work harder than usual to try and keep up with the demand.

That means over time you will start to experience a lot of wear and tear on it which often results in costly repairs and constant need for maintenance.


Electrical & Safety Hazards

Probably the biggest concern that can come with purchasing a generator that is too small to power the needed appliance is that you run a high risk of safety & electrical hazard.

Your generator must have the right amount of power needed and a bit more to power your equipment. If your equipment doesn’t get the power needed then it could experience electrical problems such as a short circuit.

Problems such as this can start to pose safety hazards for you and those around you. This is also just as important for those who are working with employees as you could face hefty lawsuits and pay out hundreds in compensation if your generator isn’t up to the standard of what it needs to be.



Now that you understand how you can easily calculate the output on your generator for your appliances and the reasons why it’s so important to get the right size generator so you can get its full life span and eliminate any possible health and safety risks, you can start to find the right generator today and be prepared for any emergencies that may hit!

If you are looking to save yourself the hassle of calculating and searching the internet to find the perfect generator.

Our dedicated sales team here at Pleavin Power can help save you time by contacting our team with your current situation, we will be able to guide you to the right generator plus answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Calculating Your Generator Output

passionate people.
powerful solutions.


Jack is the owner of Pleavin Power, founded in 2017. He has worked in the power industry for over a decade and has an extreme focus on providing a quality service to clients across the UK. This has led Pleavin Power to becoming the market leader in the Critical, Prime & Standby Power markets.