Pleavin Power Limited | 24/7 Nationwide Generator Specialists

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0151 832 5007

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(0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

Customer Enquiry 0151 832 5007

Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

Finding The Right Generator Maintenance Services

Finding The Right Generator Maintenance Services

If you’re looking for generator maintenance services, it can be challenging to decide who to choose when you have never needed such services before. At Pleavin Power, we provide expert generator maintenance to areas all over the UK to all kinds of clients and are proud of the quality services that we can offer to […]

Benefits of Hiring a Generator For Your Business

Benefits of Hiring a Generator For Your Business

One of the most annoying situations your business could be placed in is a power outage, and the lasting effect it could have on your company such as loss of revenue, starting to get behind your work schedule and more. Having a power generator available for your business can save you from having to experience […]

How To Achieve An Uninterrupted Power Supply

How To Achieve An Uninterrupted Power Supply

If you have come across UPS, also known as Uninterrupted Power Supply, you may want to learn more about the subject before you decide to invest in one. Due to the subject at hand, it can be quite difficult to know where to begin as it’s a pretty niche topic. Different systems will require different […]

The Importance of Backup Generator Servicing

The Importance of Backup Generator Servicing

When investing in a generator, you are ensuring that you have backup power for when you need it most – for example, a sudden power blackout in your area. Any device is prone to breaking down over time, and generators are no exception – regardless of their reputation for being highly reliable pieces of equipment. […]

Last Week at Pleavin Power

Emergency Callouts Long days for the entire team at the moment: hires, support and repairs, working the hours and keeping the power on – where and when we can. We have taken a challenge to complete a total of 76 planned jobs before the 10th of December commences, but our emergency division keeps responding no […]

What Is The Best Extension Cord For Generators?

What Is The Best Extension Cord For Generators

It’s important you take the time to understand and correctly choose the right extension cord for your generator – both for the safety and security of your home and for efficient electrical power transmission. There has been a rise in people investing in portable generators which comes as no surprise. There also appears to be […]

Can You Use A Generator Indoors?

Can You Use A Generator Indoors

Generators are highly reliable pieces of equipment that can help us get through some testing times such as cold winters when potential blackouts could occur. However, it’s important to note that operating a generator indoors can be deadly to you and those around you. Every year, countless individuals will need to use a generator to […]

Our Guide To Storing Fuel For A Generator

Our Guide To Storing Fuel For A Generator

Are you looking to store the fuel for your generator at home or on business premises? You may already be aware that fuel is a hazardous, combustible substance that should be dealt with extreme care. If you choose not to handle fuel carefully, it could lead to dangerous situations which could endanger the health of […]

Hiring vs Buying A Generator

Hiring vs Buying A Generator

Generators are extremely handy pieces of equipment that can help get you through some difficult times, such as a sudden power outage. There’s nothing worse than not being able to use your everyday appliances – there are many reasons why someone would require a power generator from Pleavin Power. Many families store a generator away […]

Where To Store My Generator When Not In Use

Where To Store My Generator When Not In Use

Generators are starting to become a ‘must-have’ in homes and commercial spaces. Generators are essential when it comes to providing power in emergencies, such as sudden power outages in extreme weather conditions. Whatever the reason you’re using your generator, you will need to store it in a safe place that’s easily accessible in times of […]