Pleavin Power Limited | 24/7 Nationwide Generator Specialists

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Customer Enquiry 0151 832 5007

Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

Generator Runs But No Power? How To Fix It

Generator Runs But No Power? How To Fix It

When first owning a generator, it can be a rather worrying feeling when they begin to malfunction no matter the cause or effect of the malfunction it is always a concerning feeling. If you have come to find that your generator is still running but you are not receiving any power from it to your […]

Where To Hire A Portable Generator UK

Where To Hire A Portable Generator UK

When you are looking for a generator in the UK for a planned power outage or if you are regularly experiencing extreme weather courses, you may wonder where are the best places to acquire a generator. While there are plenty of different places that you can choose from when looking to hire a generator, our […]

How To Prepare For a Planned Power Outage

How To Prepare For a Planned Power Outage

Many people live in areas that are prone to power outages and will therefore be more than prepared in the eventuality that their power does shut off, usually due to harsh weather conditions. But in recent years, we have seen more of a prevalence of planned power outages in the UK and this has led […]

Why You Must Service Your Home Standby Generator

Why You Must Service Your Home Standby Generator

When buying a home standby generator, many people seem to neglect the thought that they will need to consistently service and maintain their generator either by themselves or by enlisting the help of a generator servicing provider. Doing such actions can majorly increase the productivity of your generator and can greatly improve its life expectancy […]

Power cuts: Why it matters & What to do?

Power cuts: Why it matters & What to do?

Invest In Backup Power The threat of power outages caused by severe weather is a real concern for families, communities and businesses alike A backup power generator is a great way to ensure that your business operations continue as usual during power cuts. These generators act as a reliable and efficient source of backup power, […]

What’s new in 2023?

Pleavin Group Fuel Services With the monumental task of our industry plans this year our Q1 reinvestment strategy continues. We are extremely excited to be launching Pleavin Group Fuel Services late in March. From 1,000L through to 20,000L our services will service the 24/7 demands of the power generation industry as we build our infrastructure […]

Should You Hire Generator Installation Services?

Should You Hire Generator Installation Services?

When living in an area subject to frequent power outages, investing in a hired generator installation service could be an incredibly useful tool for you to use during these times of need. Most homeowners don’t tend to think about the well-being of their electrical circuits until something goes wrong, by which point, it is already […]

Key Benefits of Emergency Generator Hire

Key Benefits of Emergency Generator Hire

For many people living in areas that are vulnerable to power outages, generator hire can be an incredibly useful asset for your to be able to utilise at home or in your place of work. Hiring a generator is one of the most valuable forms of backup power that you can have as the right […]

A Professional Guide To Home Generator Repair

A Professional Guide To Home Generator Repair

Generators can be dangerous appliances to handle for people who are relatively inexperienced in this field, which is why we would always recommend calling in the help of a qualified maintenance team. However, sometimes it is simply not possible for a team to be on hand all of the time to come and immediately cater […]

Exploring The Different Types of Generators to Hire

Exploring The Different Types of Generators to Hire

Many people seem to think that generators are a fairly simple thing to purchase and that there are not very many things to consider beyond the safety precautions, however, this is not the case! There are plenty of different considerations that you should think about when buying a new generator, especially the type that you […]