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Generator Runs But No Power? How To Fix It

When first owning a generator, it can be a rather worrying feeling when they begin to malfunction no matter the cause or effect of the malfunction it is always a concerning feeling.

If you have come to find that your generator is still running but you are not receiving any power from it to your home then there are a number of things that you can do to try to fix this issue.

Throughout this blog post, we are going to be walking you through some of the main reasons why your generator may be experiencing these issues and what you can do to fix them/prevent them from happening in the future.


Power Generators

There are so many different types of power generators from diesel and petrol generators to solar panels and wind turbines and many of which can be deployed directly into your home.

They are a great way for you to give your home extra power for an emergency – for example, in the event of a sudden power outage may this be planned or due to harsh weather conditions.

Whatever the reason, generators are a great way for you to feel safe in these events and secure in the fact that you are going to have power no matter what happens.

You will also be able to provide your home with extra power even without a power outage, they can be used for giving smaller appliances power when you don’t want to use the mains.


Field Flashing

Field Flashing is a way to jump-start a generator using a small current produced by a battery which could quickly solve your issues.

This may need to happen because when generators are stored for long periods of time, the magnetism in the rotor can reduce over time making the generator as a whole struggle to produce much electricity.

This jump-starting method is only really able to be used on condenser generators and will not be applicable to inverter generators.


Check the Workload

In some cases, you may come to find that your generator simply cannot cope with the number of appliances it needs to power or the general power you require to output.

If your generator has an excessive amount of work to do it may find it difficult to delegate its power and will not be able to produce anything at all, this can cause major issues for the health of your unit.

Every generator is built and designed to cope with a certain amount of power outputs and if these recommendations are exceeded then it can cause the generator to output no power at all.


Replace Fuses and Circuit Breakers

If you have come to find that your power generator is turning on but not producing any electricity to your home then there may be an issue with the fuses and circuit breakers in the mechanism.

Generator fuse replacements are very easy to come by and should solve your fuse problem and simply resetting your circuit breaker should be enough to kick start the power again.


Motor Damage

Another of the more serious problems that may occur with a generator is that it may have an issue with its motor that is not allowing it to produce electricity too quickly.

If you suspect that your motor may have been damaged then it will be very useful to have a voltmeter and ammeter ready in order to make sure that it is functioning properly.

These will tell you the amount of power that the generator is emitting which will be able to tell you if your generator is emitting the correct amount of energy compared to the manufacturer’s guide.

The manufacturer’s guide will always have all of the information you need to keep your generator in check and make sure that everything is working as it should.


Preventional Maintenance

The best way for you to prevent any generator issues is to have your generator consistently maintained during your time of owning it may this be by yourself or a professional service like ours at Pleavin Power.

Continued maintenance will negate most of the issues that you are likely to encounter such as it stopping producing any power, it is an incredibly useful thing for you to have at your disposal.

Continuous maintenance of any kind can be done by yourself or by a team of professionals like ourselves however it is imperative that this is done consistently and thoroughly on a regular basis to ensure the best running capabilities from your generator.

The Pleavin Power team are experts at providing consistent maintenance to generator owners across the UK with a completely personalised approach to each client that we deliver for.

Our service also includes all of the replacements and other repairs that you may require for your generator in order to ensure that you have reliable and sustained power for many months or even years to come.



To conclude, if you have come to find that your generator is running but you are not receiving any power from it then there are plenty of ways in which you can begin to solve this issue.

From hiring professional help to trying some of our general fixes on your own, there are plenty of different ways in which you can solve this problem at a relatively low cost and without much effort either.

If you are still having some issues with your generator and none of the above has seemed to help, then please do not hesitate to contact us at 0151 832 5007 or email to speak to a member of our support team and we will help you in any way that we can.

We hope that we have been able to provide you with a comprehensive guide on what you can do if you have found your generator to be running but not producing any power

Generator Runs But No Power? How To Fix It

passionate people.
powerful solutions.


Jack is the owner of Pleavin Power, founded in 2017. He has worked in the power industry for over a decade and has an extreme focus on providing a quality service to clients across the UK. This has led Pleavin Power to becoming the market leader in the Critical, Prime & Standby Power markets.