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How To Generate Electricity From Home

There are plenty of reasons why homeowners may want to generate their own electricity from home, and now in the modern age, there are a lot of brilliant resources that you can access to do so!

Generating electricity from home can save you hundreds of pounds in energy bills and could prove extremely beneficial, especially in today’s economic climate in the UK.

Throughout this article, we are going to be talking about some of the best ways that you can generate your own electricity and save the most money on your energy bills.


Solar Power

One of the most common ways to generate homegrown electricity is through the use of solar power and the installation of solar panels in your home. Solar panels harvest energy from the sun and convert it into electricity to be used around your home. These are some of the most trusted electricity generators in the world.

Residential solar panels are rather commonplace across the UK in modern days however should be utilised much more as they can save you plenty of money in the long run. Solar panels can seem very expensive – and they are in terms of upfront costs due to the need for so many working parts for the system to work, such as an inverter. However, they are ultimately great value for money.

An inverter is required to convert the DC power that the solar energy creates into AC power that you can use for your home making it an imperative part of the installation process. This all is coupled with the great benefit that you are creating sustainable and renewable energy.


Wind Power

It is very possible for you to utilise wind power from your home through the use of very small-scale wind turbines. As you may know, wind turbines utilise large fan blades in order to catch the flow of the wind and turn its kinetic energy into electricity that we use in our homes.

The two main types of domestic wind turbines are pole-mounted and building-mounted. As their names suggest, they are each different due to the locations they are installed.

Pole-mounted turbines are the more common of the two, these free-standing turbines are seen all across the country and for good reason, they deliver a dependable amount of electricity output to the user and are relatively easy to install.

Building-mounted turbines are more commonly found built onto roofs where they are more likely to face more wind than they can harvest for power.


Ground and Air Source Heat Pumps

Ground source heat pumps use underground piping loop systems around a home to extract heat from within the ground and convert this energy into electricity. This energy tends to be used for central heating, radiators, and hot water among other things.

Air source heat pumps, however, will absorb heat energy directly from the atmosphere and use this to do the same jobs; however, these can also be used to power warm air convectors.

However, these types of geothermal heat pumps can be very costly as installing these can cost up to £19,000 upfront which is a hefty sum of money although a price tag even as high as this will save you money in the long run.


Home Generators

At Pleavin Power, we are experts at supplying generators to our customers across the UK, and we believe that home generators are some of the best ways for you to generate electricity at home. You would need to first find out what size you would need for your home and then you can see if this is a viable solution for your home.

Power outages in the UK and the US are becoming increasingly common year after year. A home generator can help you in the event of a power outage and deliver copious amounts of power that is more than enough to keep your home powered from its incredibly high power output.

These generators are usually used for this purpose and are great for keeping your refrigerators and other appliances operational when the mains have malfunctioned.


Portable Generators

A portable generator is just like a home generator – but instead, delivers power on a much smaller scale, typically one or two household appliances at a time.

These can also be used around a job site if you are working in the construction sector making them excellent resources for power tools and other smaller uses around the house, may this be in the event of a power outage or if you just need some extra power.


Standby Generators

A standby generator is a backup power generator for your home power supply that operates automatically after a few seconds of a power cut.

These are used similarly to home generators however these are only able to be used when there is a power outage and therefore cannot be utilised outside of these conditions. These are great for power operations during harsh weather conditions and will provide you with much-needed power.



Overall, there are plenty of different ways in which you can generate electricity for your home and these all offer a host of their own benefits. Saving money on your energy bills is becoming increasingly important in the current economic climate in the UK and generating your own electricity with something like a generator or some solar panels can prove to be incredibly beneficial.

We hope that we have been able to provide you with some expert advice about home electricity generation, how you can do this yourself in the event of a power outage and even share some power with neighbours in need.

If you have any questions about our generator repair services or perhaps would like to enquire about our generator maintenance services, please feel free to get in touch with our support team at +44(0)800 689 4803 or email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

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Jack is the owner of Pleavin Power, founded in 2017. He has worked in the power industry for over a decade and has an extreme focus on providing a quality service to clients across the UK. This has led Pleavin Power to becoming the market leader in the Critical, Prime & Standby Power markets.