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Future Power Academy: Changing The Lives of Aspiring Engineers

From Backyard Beginnings to CEO


Like many business leaders, my dream of doing something big started at a young age. It started with setting up my own gardening business which I quickly became to realise wasn’t really what I wanted to be doing. At a young age, I was fortunate to get a space on an apprenticeship scheme at CAT and that’s really where the spark of my future began. Upon completing my apprenticeship, I had this entrepreneurial fire burning inside of me and decided to set up my own business – dreaming of being a man in a van on the road all day every day. Pleavin Power was born out of a shed in my parents backyard and stayed there for at least a year. I’d be fixing generators on the driveway in the middle of the night and driving all over the country to support new clients.  

Fast forward 7 years and I’m now CEO of multiple businesses that grow year on year. I have a full team of engineers working with me as well as a whole range of office staff. We’re working with clients I could have never imagined picking up the phone to me, let alone being the one to get in touch when they need support. I never really see age as a factor but being a 28 year old lad, I sometimes have to pinch myself that I was able to do this before I turned 30.  

I got to where I am today because of opportunity, gaining opportunity, making my own opportunities and relentlessly grafting to get to where I am today but also to do that taking people up that ladder with me. Starting an academy or some kind of programme has been a dream of mine the whole time I’ve been building this business.  

On 30th of July, that dream started to become a reality as we hosted our first Future Power Day – a day to inspire future engineers by giving them hands on insights into what life is like as an engineer at Pleavin Power.  

The Launch of the Future Power Academy


The day was everything I have been dreaming of for a long time. Seeing the faces of young people light up when they get to control the most expensive asset in our business or rebuilding parts of an engine. I vividly remember that same moment hitting with me when Wirral Waters delivered a presentation in my school. The feedback from everyone on the day has been really positive and we’re already planning our next one later this year.  

But the excitement doesn’t end there. I’m proud to launch Future Power Academy which is both a vision and a promise for the future. Over the next five years, Pleavin Power are committed to delivering valuable schemes to young people to help them secure employment in our industry. Whether that is at Pleavin Power or they move on to other businesses – that’s up to them. We’re shaping this to be something that doesn’t already exist. By speaking to schools, colleges and other businesses – this academy aims to bring the right people together to create something that genuinely works for the future. As part of this, we’ll also be launching a veteran programme aimed at supporting ex-military in their return to civilian life by giving them support for transitioning into a career in the industry.  

The first few years will be centered around a lot of trying out ideas, important failure, listening, planning, meeting and building. In the 3-5 year mark, we’ll be looking to be running more and more programmes suited to inspiring the next generation of engineers and building local talent. We’re not handing it out on a plate. Opportunities at Future Power Academy will be available to anyone willing to work hard with the right attitude regardless of experience, qualifications, experience or background. 

Together, we are stronger and we’re open to working with other organisations of a similar nature who are passionate about making a difference to the next generation.  

Future Power Academy is a promise, a vision and a place for young minds and bright futures.  

Find out more and register your interest at 

passionate people.
powerful solutions.


Jack is the owner of Pleavin Power, founded in 2017. He has worked in the power industry for over a decade and has an extreme focus on providing a quality service to clients across the UK. This has led Pleavin Power to becoming the market leader in the Critical, Prime & Standby Power markets.