Pleavin Power Limited | 24/7 Nationwide Generator Specialists

Customer Enquiry
0151 832 5007

Emergency Helpline
(0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

Customer Enquiry 0151 832 5007

Emergency Helpline (0)800 689 4803
24 hr / 7 days per week

We're launching our own range of Cummins Powered Diesel Generators

Introducing our latest innovation in power solutions: our brand-new range of generators. Engineered to provide a seamless end-to-end solution, these generators are poised to revolutionise the way businesses approach power backup needs.

Catering to a diverse spectrum of industries including data centres and hospitals, our generators offer unparalleled reliability and performance. Equipped with Cummins and Stamford alternators as standard, they ensure optimal efficiency and durability.

What sets us apart is our commitment to keeping your operations running smoothly; witt all fast-moving parts readily available in stock, downtime becomes a thing of the past.

As we gear up for the imminent launch in the coming weeks, we invite you to take the first step towards securing uninterrupted power for your business by filling in the contact form below. Experience the power of reliability with our new range or generators – your gateway to seamless operations and peace of mind.

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